Monthly Archives: November 2011

New Google Algorithm

Google has just developed a new algorithm for searches that has more things with facebook and Google+ this could become a really cool thing. However they have done things similar before and it was never all that well done. That and Google’s old algorithm has done so well in the past, changing it too much might take away everything that made Google the number 1 search engine in the first place.

HTML quiz

Star Assignment

had to read about the world wide web. Which all in all has been common knowledge to me ever sense I started seriously computing like six years ago. So after reading, knowing I had to give a response, I was kind of thinking aaaaannnnnndddd?? However I still must write something.  The World Wide Web or just the web. is often used at the beginning of URLs as “www”

Ninjas :}

Name Plate II

A second Name Plate, this time made in illustrator.

Eye Vector

Devry Assignment

(My apologies for posting yet another useless assignment.)

The presentation from Devry only convinced me not to go there. The man giving the presentation (although a very nice guy) made a lot “loose points” which made me question the quality of what he was saying. Secondly the statistics sheet given to me is a little less than settling. Hardly any of the job titles seem appealing, and the ones that do are anywhere  from 0-50% employment rate. I think I’m better off with another school.

Questions Assignment

(These are questions my lab instructor had me post for some collage thing. Sorry for this useless post.)

1.) What are your academic requirements?

2.) Do you have any type of audio production programs?

3.) What kind of living conditions do you support (Dorms, Apartments, etc.)

Daft Punk Vector

Internet Blacklist Bill Response

As an American I have been told I have certain freedoms, namely freedom of speech, press, etc. however I see more and more “exceptions” to these rights, which oddly no one mentioned before. The Internet Blacklist Bill is only another “exception” to the first amendment. They are trying to take away everything that makes the internet what it is. Giving all people a voice, and allowing ideas and inspiration to go from one mind to the next across the nation and the world in a matter of seconds. Information made by someone in California could have and impact on someone in Georgia, and they are going to try to shut all that down due to the fact that with sites that give people that voice, it also opens the doors to copyright infringement. Mostly involving programs, games, and music, etc. Now I certainly can’t speak for anyone aside from myself, but I have made music, and released it online, along with videos, and images, and art, other things. And a lot of them, have been used and posted and downloaded and stolen without my permission, however I was not angry, I expected it to happen. I was simply excited that so many people liked my work, and it was cool to see it out there. As I said before, I can’t speak for anyone, however I can assume that most people would say that the real freedom the internet gives, is worth overlooking the copyright infringement that may come with it.