Monthly Archives: March 2012

Employers Ask Job Seekers For Facebook Passwords ***RESPONSE***

Employers have been requesting the facebook passwords of their applicants. Some people need a job so desperately that they have no choice but to do so. I feel that it is wrong for them to even request such a thing let alone have someones job (which in turn  means their life, their family) depend on it. Their personal life is their personal life and their career should depend on it. We all have things that we might not want our bosses to know. and our bosses probably have things about them that they don’t want you to know. Professional life is professional life, and personal life is personal life, it’s not fair to try to blend the two.

Prezi questions

1. Prezi is a 2.5D online tool used to make virtual presentations, with its iconic Zooming User Interface.
2. Powerpoint is also a tool to make presentations but it is not online, it uses linear navigation unlike Prezi’s non-linear, it uses a slide stack layout instead of Prezi’s Map layout, etc.
3. In my own opinion Powerpoint has a lot more walls, where as Prezi seems to be more creative and user friendly. Powerpoint does have multiple printing options, where as in that sense Prezi is very limited.
4. Zebra is one of the control interfaces on Prezi. This is the control that allows you to move, rotate, and change the size of an item in your Prezi.
5. five templates, six counting the blank one.
6. Timeline, Table, Pyramid
7. Create your Prezi, click the icon at the top left hand corner that reads “insert” then click “image” then just type in your URL of your image or upload it from your computer. Yeah, it’s that simple.
8. Done.
9. Bracket frame, circle frame, rectangle frame. 

10. Public & allow copy, Public, and Private