Monthly Archives: October 2012

Album concept

The different colour sections resemble different songs and their lengths

Why I should get an A this week

Branding project stage 3 – almost done

senior project product proposal – done

Keep in mind that I have been able to stay on top of things even after being gone a day.

20 word gist

She, in great detail, displayed what the art institute has to offer including design, media arts, fashion, and culinary arts.

Obama Logo Review

The Obama logo is okay. About the same as Romany’s in the sense of it’s okay but there is nothing special to it.


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Senior Project progress

I have researched more on the sub genres of drum and bass including liquid funk, I have found different compression and reverb VST’s, and I learned how to use a new kind of wave synth modular patch.

Why I should get an A (this week)

I should get an A this week biased on whether or not I accomplished what I needed to get done this week. I have gotten a good ways with my branding project. I have found a team for BPA. I have done a good amount of research for my senior project.