Author Archives: cthulhusleeps


Tutorial thing

My tutorial is going to be centered around ableton, maybe a song tutorial or perhaps sound design.


Anon is not an organization.

With the recent events involving anonymous and their actions towards north korea, a lot of people have been talking about anonymous and whether or not the “real anon” actually had any involvement or if the statements made by anon were “official”  or whatever but one important thing to remember here is that anon is not an organization. People act like it is, just “decentralized” when in actuality it is not an organization at all. Anon is simply anyone on the internet who is choosing to remain anonymous. That’s it. Their tagline? it is rules 3-5 of 4chans rules to the internet. A site where the whole premise is that everything posted is anonymous, so everyone on the entire site is part of this so called “Hacker Organization.” Now it is not incorrect to say these hacks against north korea were done by anonymous, however to stipulate on anon is rather ridiculous. It is not exclusive, nor organized, or centralized in any way. Now people can cease disputing it.

Why I should get an A

I made LOADS of new music, I also took on that job with shawn broadcasting the OWU basket ball game.

Why I should get an A This week

Did a lot of good work.

Went to regionals

I have put in a lot of time and effort this week

Why I deserve an A for the week.

I have completed all assigned tasks this week
I am nearly finished with my BPA project.
I did it all without setting anything on fire, killing anyone, or loosing any limbs.

exam 2




The demographic should be heavily aimed at 20-35 year old wealthy people, especially minorities.  In an article on conspiracy theories in an edition of Political Psychology 15: 733-744, 1994 they found that young people are much more likely to believe conspiracy theories along with Blacks and Hispanics. Sense the sales are based off of a conspiracy theory, this is who we should target. As far as wealth goes, you simply don’t have the two million to spend on a condo otherwise. Because of this we need to market it as “exclusive” and “high-end”.

Senior Project blog

  • Songs are in the works.
  • Product Organized.
  • Final Draft done.
  • Presentation layout formed.

Tuesday N Stuff

1. HyperText Markup Language

2. To code and build websites.

3. Extensible HyperText Markup Language


  • XHTML is XML, which means that the syntax rules are slightly different.
  • There are things you can do in XHTML which you cannot do in HTML.
  • There are things you can do in HTML which you cannot do in XHTML.
  • There are differences concerning CSS.
  • There are differences concerning client-side scripting (e.g., JavaScript).

5. Cascading Style Sheets

6. It is used to style HTML elements

7. An industry consortium that seeks to promote standards for the evolution of the World Wide Web and interoperability between WWW products by producing specifications and reference software.


  • Publish technical specifications (HTMLXMLCSSSMILP3PSVG, etc.)
  • Publish guidelines (accessibility, internationalization, etc.)
  • Develop software (amaya, jigsaw, validators, tidy, etc.)
  • Coordinate development (ensure accessibility, internationalization, coordination with other standards organizations).
  • Serve as repository of Web History

9. Web standards is a general term for the formal standards and other technical specifications that define and describe aspects of the World Wide Web.

10. Writing your pages to the latest HTML 4.01 standard, brings you as close as possible to perfection. All major browsers have support for both the CSS 1 and CSS 2 standards.